An Early Orthodontic Treatment is Surely Worthwhile

Approximately 40 percent of dental patients can benefit from an early orthodontic evaluation and treatment. This could prevent serious problems when people grow older and make treatment shorter and least complicated. There are many Orthodontists/ dentist in Bangalore who can help you evaluate your child’s dental condition at a younger age and prescribe the most suitable course of treatment.

Dental Evaluation Before Your Child Turns 7 Can Help
The American Association of Orthodontists suggests an examination for children by age 7 to evaluate if orthodontic treatment may be needed some time in the future. Early evaluation of young children can save them from a more invasive treatment plan as they grow up.
Permanent molars and incisors usually grow by the age of 7. It is within this period that crossbites, overbites, crowding and other issues can be evaluated to determine if interceptive treatment is required. At this age when teeth and jaw are still in the process of development, certain dental conditions are easier to cure.
Before you visit a dental clinic in Bangalore, look for common symptoms that may suggest your child needs to see an Orthodontist:
·         Difficulty in chewing or biting food
·         Crowded frontal teeth
·         Misplaced, Crowded, or blocked teeth
·         Premature or delayed loss of baby teeth
·         Habits of Finger or thumb sucking
·         Disproportionate Jaws and teeth to the rest of the face
·         Breathing through the mouth

Let’s say if you visit a dentist in Vijayanagar, Bangalore for an early orthodontic evaluation. It will allow them to repair your child’s teeth in the following ways:   
·         Prescribe the right treatment, habits and remedial action plan for proper growth of your child's jaw so that permanent teeth grow in the right positions
·         Normalize the width of the upper and lower arches
·         Create sufficient space for crowded teeth
·         Avoid the extractions of permanent teeth when a child grows older
·         Cure the habit of thumb sucking and improve communication problems

Braces for children have improved in few past decades. The modern day technology has made them look more comfortable and attractive to wear. Surely, an early treatment will give your child a healthy teeth and a beautiful smile in the future.
